
find myself joy!

kadang menjadi bijak itu cenderung ngalah dan cundang mirip dengan tuntutan manusia normal menjadi dewasa ketika dihadapan mata,banyak rasa ingin berkata-kata namun apa daya, hidupku sudah mati untuknya bukan singkat waktu kami bersama pengertian itu tidak pernah terasa mulutku terkunci untuknya, karena menjaga perasaannya namun apa daya, hidupku mati untuknya oh wahai menara - menara pencakar langit sombong sekali kalian menjunjung tanpa penghalang mentertawaiku dengan percikan mentari menangisiku dengan hujan mengasihaniku dengan bayangan karena kalian tahu, hidupku mati untuknya rindu tak terkira kepada diriku terlebih ketika tersentuh luka nyaris mengiring tergambar kembali siapa diri sebenarnya ketika itu, saat ini dan esok hari namun apa daya, hidupku mati untuknya kucari gembira dengan caraku saja 10:19am, BINUS, Thursday 3rd july 2014 Moch.Abank.Iqbal
"ukuran keberhasilan adalah seberapa banyak orang lain dengan bangga menjual dan mempromosikan produk/jasa/diri kita secara sukarela" - Moch. iqbal

wejangan dari om Richard Branson - Virgin Group

As LinkedIn is a business that started in a living room, much like Virgin began in a basement, I thought my first blog on the site should be about how to simply start a successful business. Here are five top tips I’ve picked up over the years. 1. Listen more than you talk We have two ears and one mouth, using them in proportion is not a bad idea! To be a good leader you have to be a great listener. Brilliant ideas can spring from the most unlikely places, so you should always keep your ears open for some shrewd advice. This can mean following online comments as closely as board meeting notes, or asking the frontline staff for their opinions as often as the CEOs. Get out there, listen to people, draw people out and learn from them. 2. Keep it simple You have to do something radically different to stand out in business. But nobody ever said different has to be complex. There are thousands of simple business solutions to problems out there, just waiting to be solved by th


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Product Launch presentation GOLF

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